Oman Sail interrompe le ricerche di Mohammed Al Alawi

Si scrive oggi una delle pagine più tristi della vela in Adriatico.

Con una nota apparsa in giornata nel proprio sito internet Oman Sail fa sapere con il cuore pieno di tristezza che ha interrotto le ricerche del suo velista Mohammed Al Alawi, scomparso in Adriatico lo scorso 7 ottobre.

Mohammed era caduto in acqua lo scorso 7 ottobre nel corso del trasferimento del trimarano MOD 70 su cui era imbarcato verso Trieste in vista dell’imminente appuntamento con la Barcolana.  Da allora le ricerche, effettuate oltre che da tutto il personale di Oman Sail anche dalla Guardia Costiera Italiana e Croata, non hanno dato nessun esito.

Qui il comunicato di Oman Sail

In an immensely sad decision and after nine days, the search for Mohammed Al Alawi, has stopped and we are accompanying Mohammed’s father and uncle back to Muscat to be with their family at this tragic time. The Italian and Croatian coastguards remain on alert.

“We are completely devastated,” said David Graham, Oman Sail Chief Executive Officer “Mohammed [26] has been a sailor and sailing instructor with Oman Sail for many years, he was a cherished member of the team with a hugely positive approach and passion for the sport. He was a highly respected colleague and will be greatly missed. We are doing everything that we can to support his family at this difficult time.”

Mohammed Al Alawi was reported Man Overboard on Wednesday 7 October, pre-dawn, just south of Pula in Croatia. The MOD70 trimaran Musandam-Oman Sail was on a delivery from Lorient, France to Trieste in Italy for the Barcolana. A combined search effort between the Croatian coastguard and Oman Sail began immediately using all means available: aircraft, RIBs, the MOD70 and coastguard launches.

Time and tidal patterns prompted the search to shift to the Italian side of the Adriatic Sea between Ancona and Rimini yesterday. The search in this area continued today. Using a light aircraft, we searched the coast and coastal waters, sadly, once again, without results.

Ci uniamo in questo momento al dolore di Oman Sail e alla famiglia di Mohammed, consci che il mare e la passione vela non hanno confini.

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